Claudio Lombardi
Claudio è professore universitario all’Università KIMEP, ricercatore in visita all’Università di Cambridge e avvocato abilitato in Italia. È specializzato nei settori di diritto comparato, commercio internazionale e diritto antitrust. Conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in diritto europeo e comparato all’Università di Trento e un master in diritto del commercio internazionale al Kings College dell’Università di Aberdeen, ha lavorato presso l’University College di Londra (UCL), il Max Planck Institute di Amburgo, il Trinity College di Dublino e l’International University College (IUC) di Torino.
Claudio presta regolarmente assistenza a primari clienti nazionali e internazionali, oltre che in favore di Istituzioni Europee, autorità governative, tra cui, le autorità antitrust dei paesi BRICS (Brasile, Russia, India, Cina e Sudafrica) e l’Eurasian Economic Commission, e organizzazioni non governative (ONG). Attualmente svolge la propria attività prevalentemente in Kazakistan.
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- Pubblicazioni
C. Lombardi, Causation in Competition Law Damages Actions (Cambridge University Press, 2018);
Lombardi Claudio and Ferrando Tomaso, “EU Competition Law for the Future of the Food System: Socio-Environmental Sustainability as the Double Bottom-Line” (in corso di stampa);
Numerosi articoli (n. 103) sul sito web dell’Osservatorio Antitrust (;
Ioannis Lianos & Claudio Lombardi, The food value chain, in Lianos, Ioannis, Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law – BRICS Draft Report (January 1, 2018) ( or;
Ioannis Lianos, Justin Lindeboom, Claudio Lombardi & Amber Darr, Legal Analysis, Chapter 1: An holistic perspective on the relevant legal framework, in Lianos, Ioannis, Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law – BRICS Draft Report (January 1, 2018) ( or;
Ioannis Lianos, Claudio Lombardi & Justin Lindeboom, Superior Bargaining power and the Boundaries of Competition Law, in Lianos, Ioannis, Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law – BRICS Draft Report (January 1, 2018) ( or;
Lombardi Claudio, Lianos Ioannis, Superior Bargaining Power and Global Comparative Institutional Analysis, in I. Lianos (ed.) The regulation of the global food value chain (Cambridge University Press) forthcoming, 2017;
Lombardi Claudio, Il danno da insidia o trabocchetto e il danno da cosa in custodia: ovvero sui limiti dell’insidiosa custodia, in Teresa Pasquino (ed.), Antologia di casi giurisprudenziali (Giappichelli, Torino 2015);
Lombardi Claudio, Foreseeability of the harm in competition damages actions, GCLR 14 2018;
Lombardi Claudio, The illusion of a ‘marketplace for ideas’, Development journal, 2018;
Lombardi Claudio, Competition and the Public Interest in the Digital Market for Information, Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, Institute for European Integration, Discussion Paper forthcoming 2017;
Carstensen, P. C., Lianos, I., Lombardi, C., MacDonald, J. M., & Moss, D. L., Competition law and policy and the food value chain, Concurrences, 2016;
Lianos Ioannis, Lombardi Claudio, Superior Bargaining Power and the Global Food Value Chain: The Wuthering Heights of Holistic Competition Law? Concurrences No. 1 January 2016; Lombardi Claudio, The passing-on of price overcharges in European competition damages actions: a matter of causation and an issue of policy, Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, Institute for European Integration, (;
Lombardi Claudio, E piovve anche sotto l’ombrello: umbrella effects e nesso di causalità in ambito antitrust secondo la Corte di giustizia (Umbrella effects in competition law damages actions), in Danno e responsabilità 7, 2014, p. 707 ss.;
Lombardi Claudio, Review of Sandy Steele, Proof of Causation (Cambridge University Press, 2015), in European Review of Private Law, 2017;
Lombardi Claudio, Review of Panagiotis Fotis, Nikolaos Zevgolis, The Competitive Effects of Minority Shareholdings (Hart Pub., 2016), in World Competition, 40, 2016.
Presentazioni e conferenze (2017-2018)
“Competition law & Sustainability. How can competition law promote and accommodate sustainability?” Bruxelles, 6 Dicembre 2018, Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) e Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE).
“Algorithmic curation, competition law, and democracy”, New York University, ASCOLA, 23 June 2018.
“Rigging the blockchain: the lights and shadows of blockchain technology for procurement”, Harvard Law School, IGLP 2018.
“The Illusion of a market for ideas”, 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Innovation, IP and Competition 2018, New Delhi.
“Algorithmic curation and competition law”, 3rd Annual International Conference Antimonopoly Policy: Science, Practice, Education “Digital Economy and Competition Policy” 2017, Moscow, Skolkovo Innovation Center.
“Indirect damages in competition law remedial actions”, UCL, Faculty of Law Colloquia, 20 giugno 2017.
“Public interest concerns and competition policy”, Europa-Kolleg Institute, 15 marzo 2017.